Academic Policies


The “credit hour” represents the fundamental unit of measurement of student workload for a given course.

In a ten-week module, a three-credit hours course will have approximately 37 in-class hours (each class period being approximately 3 hours, 45 minutes in length).

A work-load ratio of 2:1 is expected. Thus, a one-credit-hour class would require at least 32 hours of out-of-class work for each module.


Credits Transfer

Applicants transferring into the Bachelor of Theology or Diploma of Theology programs from other seminaries with recognized theological and academic standards will ordinarily be given full credit for course work satisfactorily completed (C or above) up to a maximum of 80 semester hours of applicable credits for Bachelors in Theological Studies and 40 credit hours for those who wish to join the Associate Degree in Theological Studies. The last hours must be completed at Yokheved Biblical College. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the institutions involved to the Office of the Dean. In no case is credit granted for course work taken at the undergraduate level or for life experiences.

Course Waivers

YBS does not wish to require any student to enroll in a class that is repetitious of previous education. The school invites any student to appeal to the Dean for a waiver for previously completed courses. The decision will be based on a review of the student’s official transcript and the course syllabus. A waiver grants no credit; rather, in such cases, an elective course from the same discipline must be taken in the place of the waived course.

Grading System

To distinguish various levels of achievement in the mastery of subject material, in effectiveness of research, in fulfillment of assignments and responsibilities, or in improvement in personal and ministry skills, as appropriate for each course, the school employs the following grading symbols:

A and A- = Exceptional achievement

B+, B and B- = Above average achievement

C+, C and C- = Fair or average achievement

D+, D and D- = Below average, minimally acceptable achievement

F = Unacceptable achievement, failure

I = Incomplete work

W = Withdrawal

Grade points are awarded according to the following scale:

A = 4 points for each semester hour

A- = 3.7 points per credit hour

B+ = 3.3 points per credit hour

B = 3 points per credit hour

B- = 2.7 points per credit hour

C+ = 2.3 points per credit hour

C = 2 points per credit hour

C- = 1.7 points per credit hour

D+ = 1.3 points per credit hour

D = 1 points per credit hour

D- = 0.7 points per credit hour

F = 0 points per credit hour

I = Not counted until changed

The following system for converting number grades or percentages to letter grades, where appropriate, is in general use:

A 96-100

A- 94-95

B+ 92-93

B 88-91

B- 86-87

C+ 84-85

C 80-83

C- 78-79

D+ 76-77

D 72-75

D- 70-71

F 69 and below

The grading symbol W does not affect grade-point averages, and the courses for which they are assigned do not count in computing credit hours attempted.

Required courses in which a student receives an F must be re-taken in order to fulfill graduation requirements. A failing grade (F) is never removed from the student’s transcript. Any student who receives a grade of D or below may retake the course. However, when the course is repeated, the second grade is recorded in such a manner as to delete any negative effect of the failing grade (F) when computing grade points.

Course Requirements

Course requirements, including reading, research, writing, examinations, etc., will be assigned at the beginning of each course.

Every student is expected to complete all course work as assigned.


A grade of Incomplete (I) may be granted only in instances of unusual circumstances, such as an extended serious illness. An Incomplete (I) indicates that the work done for the course has been acceptable but that some portion of the required work is incomplete for an excusable reason. Requests for an Incomplete must be addressed, in writing (a form is available in Office of Academic Administration), to the Dean, and must be approved, or rejected, by a faculty committee. An Incomplete (I) automatically becomes a Failure (F) unless the requirements are satisfactorily completed within 60 days after the end of the semester. No exceptions or additional extensions will be granted except upon written petition by the student and special action by the Dean (a student making the request must sign an acceptance of these stipulations).


A student may be admitted on academic probation for a variety of reasons, including an inadequate academic record or graduation from an unaccredited institution.

The term “probation” refers to a status, assigned by institutional regulations or administrative decisions, which indicates that the student has failed to meet the stated expectations of the school. In the majority of cases, it is the result of unsatisfactory academic performance. Unless the probationary status is removed at the end of the semester of probation, the student will be placed on final probation. A student may be on probation for one semester only, and on final probation for one semester only. A student on probation may, at the discretion of the Dean, be limited in hours of enrollment and thus required to lengthen the time required for completing the remainder of his program. A student on final probation is not permitted to enroll for more than 12 hours of course work in any semester.

A student whose cumulative grade-point average falls below 2.0 for Bachelor of Theology and Diploma of Theology students will be placed on probation for the following semester. If the minimum grade-point average is not achieved at the end of the semester of probation, the student will be placed on final probation. A student on final probation for any regular semester must terminate his program at the end of that semester if the final probationary status is not removed by achieving the cumulative grade-point average required for graduation from his program.

A student whose program has been terminated for academic reasons may appeal this action. Such an appeal must be addressed to the faculty, through the Administration office, in writing, and must include an explanation of why the minimum academic requirements were not met and why consideration of an exception is warranted. The appeal must be received within two weeks of notification of termination. The faculty decision with regard to the appeal is final.

An application for admission after termination for academic reasons may be considered only after a full academic year of non-enrollment.

Academic Honors

Any student in the Bachelor of Theological Studies, and Diploma of Theology Studies programs who completes at least sixty hours of his program at Yokheved Theological School with a high grade-point average is eligible, upon graduation, for academic honors as follows:

3.700–3.799 … With Distinction

3.800–3.899 …Highest Distinction

3.900–4.000 … With Great Distinction


In order to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and personal ethics, Yokheved Biblical College has adopted the following policy regarding plagiarism.

Plagiarism is defined as the act of taking and using the thoughts, writings, inventions, etc., of another person as one’s own. The intention of the student is taken into consideration. The most serious forms of plagiarism will manifest some level of knowledge of the act and generally display an effort to conceal the plagiarism.

When using a quotation in another work, the student is under an ethical obligation to go to the original source, verify the citation and context, and only then may the student list it in a footnote or bibliography. If unable to view the original source, a “cited in” reference must be used for this quotation. This ethical consideration may well save the student from the embarrassment of perpetuating a misquotation or taking a quotation out of context.

Paraphrase Plagiarism is still plagiarism and could be avoided by doing the hard work of taking research, distilling it, and then writing one’s own thoughts, interpretations, and conclusions, giving attribution as often as necessary. The widely available reference books, newspapers, magazines, etc., are common knowledge and need no citation.

When an act of plagiarism is discovered or suspected (even after graduation), the matter will be reported to the Dean, who will move to investigate the matter.

Penalties for those found guilty of plagiarism can be as follows:

  • Reduced or failing grade

  • An official letter of reprimand

  • A defined period of probation, with or without the attachment of conditions

  • Withdrawal of school scholarship funding

  • A defined period of suspension, with or without the attachment of conditions

  • Expulsion from the school

  • Revocation of an awarded degree

To avoid the temptation of the sin of plagiarism, allow for the proper amount of time to research and write papers. Lack of time is the most common excuse for engaging in plagiarism.

Recording of Lectures

The recordings taken in classroom are to be used only by the student(s) registered in the course involved. No public use or reduplication is permitted without permission of the. The recording of one class, or several classes, or portions of classes, when absence is necessary, may generally be permitted, but such recordings should not be collected, copied or preserved for other uses.


All students are expected to be prompt and faithful in class attendance. Due to the compressed nature of modular classes, absences are only permitted under rare circumstances. Students are responsible for all work required, including any assignments missed because of absence. Professors are not under obligation to review missed assignments or provide supplementary instruction for students who miss classes. Whenever possible, the student should consult with the professor for any instructions or assignments in advance of a foreseeable absence. An excused absence is permitted in cases of sickness or emergency, but in no case may the number of absences for any course exceed the equivalent of one class. When absences exceed this limit, a grade of F is required as appropriate. Individual faculty members are responsible to clarify any additional attendance policies, and corresponding penalties, for each class.


Except in cases of illness or family emergency, students are expected to be present for any scheduled examination. Requests to take an examination at any time other than the time scheduled must be addressed to and approved by the class professor.

Course Papers

All assigned course and term papers are to be submitted in thesis form unless the professor indicates otherwise.

Public Information

Yokheved Biblical College complies with the provisions of the (FERPA) Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The school does not permit access to, or the release of, personally identifiable information, or educational records, to any individual without the written consent of the student, with the following exceptions:

  • All records are available to the administrators, faculty, or staff of the school, having legitimate educational concerns.

  • Appropriate information is released to medical personnel when the health of the student or others would be endangered by the withholding of information.

  • Appropriate information is supplied to financial aid personnel in connection with an application for such aid.

  • Specified data is given to the government officials and agencies designated by law, or in compliance with a judicial order.

Additionally, the school may release “directory information” unless the student withholds permission. Directory information is defined as the student’s name, address, telephone number, previous institutions attended, a program of enrollment, honors, and degrees conferred. The school recognizes the right of the student to limit or prohibit disclosure of this information. In view, however, of this statement of disclosure, the school assumes that failure on the part of any student to request the withholding of this information indicates permission for such disclosure. Requests to limit or withhold this information should be submitted to the Administration office.